Mail (microsoft outlook 2016) not opening free.outlook will not open - Microsoft Community

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Mail (microsoft outlook 2016) not opening free 


Mail (microsoft outlook 2016) not opening free


Thank you for posting your query in Microsoft Office Community. If no, I suggest you to remove Office as this might conflict with Office In the Run windows type appwiz.

Find Office in the list and double click to uninstall it. Thank you. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Let's repair the Office suite following instructions mentioned in the article below, then try using the formula function and verify the result.

Try the suggestion and let me know the result at your earliest convenience. Sounds like my issue is similar to the original one posted here. I am using windows 10 with Microsoft package downloaded from the online store. Only thing different with my situation is that I upgraded to windows 10 from windows 7, however everything has been working fine since doing this in the middle of last week until this morning when I got into the office.

Outlook has not moved past the startup screen with the message "Starting I tried using the link from Vardhaman's post and after following the instructions and trying both the offline and online repair method neither one was able to fix my issue with Outlook I am having the same issue - new computer, new Windows 10, new Office - no previous installs.

Then after awhile the issue returns. I am also seeing this now on my old system. Hi, Thank you for posting your query on Microsoft Office Community. Run Outlook as administrator and verify the issue, right click on Outlook and select Run as administrator.

From your description it seems that you are working on Microsoft Exchange Server, if that is true ,I kindly request you to post this query in the following TechNet forum for better suggestions. Let's start Outlook in safe mode following steps mentioned below and then try sending emails and verify the result. If the issue reappears again, it will help you to determine which add-in is causing this issue. Hope the above information helps.

Try the suggestion and let me know the results at your earliest convenience. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community.

Search the community and support articles Outlook Outlook. I upgraded via from Microsoft Office to The first day, all worked fine. Now, Outlook will not open. It says it will not open without a repair, but there are no instructions for repair. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Previous Next.

Hi, Thank you for posting your query in Microsoft Office Community. A quick question before we proceed. Thanks for your feedback. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. In reply to A. User's post on October 6, I am having the same issue.

Office is not installed. In reply to MatthewPerna's post on October 8, Hi Matthew, What is the exact issue are you facing? User's post on October 10, In reply to ChristopherHarman's post on October 12, In reply to Wishfulthinker's post on October 12, User's post on October 13, Hi, I uninstalled Office and then installed Office Clicking Yes or No did not help here.

I use 64 bit Windows 7. Please help! In reply to Ben's post on October 16, User's post on October 20, Thanks for replying Vardhaman, but I installed office and will try this solution later if that happens again. After downloading Office , it appears that some of the products are still checked. I unchecked each as describe and it opened normally. Honestly, I uses Outlook because it helps me to stay organized as well as liking the format.

I haven't begun to use the enormous features that Outlook provides. As time goes on, I don't think I would need those features unchecked. Heck, by the time I figure if I did need those unchecked features, I'm sure Outlook would be available.

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